Neurological emergencies

Pathophysiology of cerebral injury

Most injuries to the brain involve both primary injury (injury directly due to the insult) and secondary injury. Primary injury results in three tissue zones: an area of tissue that is irreversibly injured, an area that is injured but will recover if secondary injury is prevented and an area that is uninjured.

There are multiple mechanisms by which secondary injury may occur but decreased oxygen delivery to the brain is probably the most important. Decreased oxygen delivery may be due to a reduction in systemic oxygen delivery or may be due to a specific reduction in cerebral oxygen delivery. Given that it is not possible to achieve adequate cerebral oxygen delivery without adequate systemic oxygen delivery, it is vital to ensure adequate systemic resuscitation before concentrating specifically on cerebral oxygen delivery. Crystalloids, rather than colloids, are recommended for fluid resuscitation.

Cerebral oxygen delivery is dependent on arterial oxygen content and cerebral blood flow. Cerebral blood flow is, in turn, dependent on cerebral perfusion pressure (cerebral autoregulation is usually impaired in the early stages after cerebral injury). Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is the difference between mean arterial pressure (MAP) and intracranial pressure (ICP):


Hyperglycaemia and electrolyte disturbances may also contribute to secondary injury. Plasma glucose and electrolyte concentrations should be checked regularly and treatment instituted early.

Intracranial pressure

Important because:

A space occupying intracranial lesion results in a rise in ICP if the volume of the lesion exceeds the capacity for compensation. From this point on, further increases in the volume of the intracranial contents results in a marked rise in ICP (figure 1)

Figure 1. Relationship between volume of intracranial space occupying lesion and intracranial pressure

Conversely, a reduction in volume of any component of the intracranial contents will result in a significant reduction in intracranial pressure. The four major components are the space occupying lesion itself, the brain, cerebrospinal fluid and circulating blood (figure 2).

Figure 2. Causes of cardiogenic shock

The volume of a space occupying lesion can be reduced by surgical evacuation or excision, the volume of an oedematous brain can be reduced by an osmotic diuretic like mannitol, the volume of cerebrospinal fluid can be reduced by intraventricular drainage and the volume of intracranial circulating blood can be reduced by hyperventilation, which causes cerebral vasoconstriction.


Administration of mannitol results in a rapid reduction of intracranial pressure, which starts within minutes. The maximal effect is seen after about 20-40 minutes. The usual dose is 0.25-1 g/kg (1.25-5 mL/kg of 20% mannitol) initially followed by 0.25-0.5 g/kg (1.25-2.5 mL/kg of 20% mannitol) 6 hourly.

The diuresis induced by mannitol may result in hypovolaemia and therefore mannitol should not be given until a volume loss has been replaced. In a patient who urgently requires osmotherapy but is hypovolaemic 150 mL 3% saline can be given instead of mannitol.

In the absence of signs of herniation. mannitol should not be administered to a patient with an intracranial haematoma prior to evacuation of the haematoma.


Although hyperventilation reduces intracranial pressure, it does so at the expense of reduced cerebral blood flow. It is, therefore, illogical to use hyperventilation to reduce intracranial pressure if the aim is to improve cerebral perfusion. Furthermore routine hyperventilation has been shown to worsen outcome in patients with traumatic brain injury. If, however, the patient shows signs of herniation then hyperventilation is indicated to prevent irreversible brainstem injury.

Assessment of the comatose patient

As always in critically ill patients, the initial step is to assess and correct any deficiency in airway, breathing or circulation. Subsequently, it is important to distinguish patients with traumatic brain injury from those with non-traumatic brain injury. All comatose patients with traumatic brain injury require CT brain immediately after resuscitation, while not all patients with non-traumatic brain injury require immediate CT scanning. The distinction is made on the basis of the history and external signs of trauma.

Traumatic brain injury


The three main priorities are:

Resuscitation to normal physiological values should always be the first priority. Aim for a mean arterial pressure >90 mmHg in an attempt to maintain an adequate cerebral perfusion pressure. Most patients with a severe brain injury (GCS 3-8 [table 1] after restoration of normal physiological end-points) require intubation and ventilation to prevent aspiration and ensure adequate oxygenation and ventilation. In the initial resuscitative phase hyperventilation and osmotic diuretics are not indicated unless the patient shows signs of herniation or progressive neurological deterioration that is not attributable to extracranial causes. In this case hyperventilation to a PaCO2 of 4-4.5 kPa (30-35 mmHg) should be started and, if the patient has been adequately fluid resuscitated, mannitol 0.25-1 g/kg should be given.

CT scanning is the most useful investigation in demonstrating treatable pathology following traumatic brain injury. All patients with a severe head injury should have a CT scan of the brain once they have been stabilized.

Patients should be referred to a neurosurgeon and the Intensive Care Unit at an early stage

Non-traumatic coma


Ask two questions to determine the likely diagnosis (figure 3):

Further clues to the aetiology can obtained from the history and from examination. A CT scan will be necessary in most cases but the urgency will depend on the likely diagnosis. For example CT should usually follow blood cultures and administration of antibiotics in suspected meningitis but should be performed as a matter of urgency in patients with suspected cerebral haemorrhage.

Figure 3. Causes of non-traumatic coma



Nervous system

Note that examination of the central nervous system in the patient with decreased consciousness is not just assessment of the Glasgow Coma Scale and deep tendon reflexes.

Table 1. Glasgow coma scale

Figure 4. Trapezius squeeze

Figure 5. Sternal rub

Figure 6. Supraorbital pressure

Figure 7. Localising to pain

Figure 8. Withdrawal from pain

Figure 9. Flexion

Figure 10. Extension

Figure 11. Brudinski’s sign

Figure 12a. Transtentorial herniation causing right III palsy: right dilated unresponsive pupil

Figure 12b. Bilateral unresponsive pupils typical of a midbrain lesion or brainstem death

Figure 12c. Bilateral small, slightly responsive, pupils typical of a pontine lesion

Respiratory system

Pattern of breathing gives important clues

Cardiovascular system

Hypotension unresponsive to volume expansion in the context of metabolic/drug induced coma suggests intoxication with barbiturates or opiates, myxoedema, Addisonian crisis. Occult sepsis must be excluded.



The immediate management and role of CT in diagnosis are outlined in figure 13. Obviously other investigations should be carried out as appropriate.

Figure 13. Immediate management and role of CT in diagnosis

Table 2. Recommended antibiotics for empirical treatment of community acquired meningitis. ‡ Vancomycin may be omitted if the prevalence of penicillin intermediate sensitive or resistant S. pneumoniae is low.
§ Steroids reduce meningeal inflammation and therefore may reduce vancomycin penetration. The addition of rifampicin is based on this theoretical risk.

Patients who are comatose (Glasgow Coma Scale <9) and not expected to make a rapid recovery will need tracheal intubation to prevent macro-aspiration. In the meantime they should be placed in the recovery position (figure 14), once cervical trauma has been excluded).

Figure 14. Recovery position

Signs of herniation are an indication for urgent treatment with mannitol and hyperventilation.

Generalized status epilepticus

This should be urgently treated as electrical seizure activity causes neuronal damage (whether accompanied by motor manifestations or not) and convulsions become progressively harder to stop the longer they continue.


Generalized status epilepticus is defined as recurrent generalized tonic and/or clonic convulsive seizures without full recovery of consciousness before the next seizure begins, or more-or-less continuous generalized clinical and/or electrical seizure activity lasting for more than 30 min.

In differentiating patients with generalized convulsions from those with partial seizures it is important to recognize that there is a wide range of presentations of generalized seizures. These range from repeated, overt generalized seizures to very subtle focal twitches of a localised part of the body (eg rhythmic nystagmoid eye jerks, twitching of an eyelid). Although the latter may superficially appear to be a form of focal epilepsy, they can be clearly distinguished from focal epilepsy by the fact that the patient has profound impairment of conscious level and bilateral EEG changes. In addition, if a patient with generalized tonic-clonic convulsions is inadequately treated, the motor manifestations may stop, despite continued ictal EEG discharges.

Fixed dilated pupils are a feature of generalized convulsions and do not indicate herniation in patients who are fitting or are immediately post ictal.


Investigations to consider are listed in table 3.

Table 3. Investigations to consider in patients with generalized status epilepticus.

Figure 15. Management of status epilepticus

Acute ischaemic stroke


Consider the diagnosis of an acute stroke in all patients with a sudden onset of a neurological deficit. Onset time of neurological deficit is particularly important as these patients may benefit from urgent thrombolysis if treated within 4.5 hours of symptom onset.


An immediate CT is required to exclude intracerebral haemorrhage. Note that there will not be overt signs of infarction on the CT at this stage.
Blood test, particularly glucose level, platelet count and clotting profile, should be performed urgently.


Oxygen supplement should be provided if oxygen saturation <94%.
Source of hyperthermia (temperature >38 degree) should be identified and antipyretics (e.g paracetamol) should be prescribed to control hyperthermia.

These patients must be assessed urgently and referred to a stroke team as soon as possible for consideration of thrombolysis.

Aspirin should be prescribed within 24 to 48 hours after symptoms onset (usually delayed until 24hours later if thrombolytics prescribed)